ADA accessible historic park in Oakland that is part of the inspiration for our plan.

Reno City Council

Please contact elected representatives with your support.

June 6 City Council Item L5

If you love the plan and think this is just what the area needs, please message elected officials why you think creating a historic park is a great idea. There are all kinds of parks and this one will be special.
Email a personal message to City Council

This is a very important week for the Evans Historic Park proposal. We are scheduled to present at the June 6 City Council agenda Item L5. If council approves of the use of Evans Park, we will submit a bid for the houses on June 7.

University President Johnson is going to present at the same meeting about the University’s plans for the Gateway. (Item E1)

If you would like to talk to the Truckee Meadows Heritage Trust volunteers before the City Council meeting, please come down to Evans Park at 6 p.m. June 5th. We will have the board to play with configurations and structure placement.

At this time, we ask all of you to write our council representatives, City Manager, and the City Clerk to ask them to approve the use of Evans Park (item L5) for the Evans Historic Park project. Here is the agenda.

If you can attend City Council on Wednesday, please come and speak in person as well! We will announce when we have an estimated time to present to City Council. You can access live video from this link once the meeting has started.

The Evans Family approved of the use of Evans Park for a large building for the Nevada Historical Society in 1966. and their wishes were published in the newspaper and written into the deed for the park.

Evans Family Wishes

The Evans family negotiated the use of the park to support historic resources in the 60s. A new deed was created with specific requests to honor their role in creating the University.

Newspaper article about the Evans family asking to save some of the trees and include a plaque about their efforts to build the University when buildings were to be constructed in the park.

Evans Family Gives Permission to build NHS in EvansPark May 1966

City Attorney Memo

Please read our response and email council members with your support of the Evans Historic Park project.

Read Our Response